Maui Country Real Property Tax Rates
Fiscal Year - July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Rates are Per $1,000 of net taxable assessed valuation
December 31st - Deadline for filing exemption claims and ownership documents which affect the tax year.
August 20th - First half year tax payments due
February 20th - Second half year tax payments due
*Property is classified based upon its highest and best use
*Properties receiving homeowner exemptions, condominiums, permitted bed and brekfasts and permitted transient vacation rentals are exceptions.
*Properties which have been granted a homeowner exemption are classified as Homeowner.
*Condominiums are classified upon consideration of their actual use (Apartment, Commercial, hotel/resort, timeshare, homeowner)
*Properties which have been granted a bed and breakfast permit, a transient vacation rental are classified as commercial residential.